Friday, May 14, 2010

Last Island Day!

So we rented some mopeds today and shredded the streets for the whole of one hour. Supper fun after a few mellow days. The day before we walked for like 6 of 7 miles to the otherside of the island which was rather hard in the heat but still amzing. The coastline is very pretty with big waves thrashing against the rocks. I have been running everyday for a while and I´m getting more and more into it. I want to start training for a big run when I get back. It makes you feel so good afterwards. Yesterdat I got an email back from the editor of The Weekily Valcano in Tacoma, a magazine about arts and culture. I´m sending him some samples of my writing and some ideas about articles and it sounds like it might be a possablity for some job status. It is not a sure thing so I will not get my hopes up. I´m still pumping out a lot of art in pen and ink form, working up for the june show. So glad there is only 5 more days here. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to shredding streets, thrashing waves, and job possiblities! And only 4 more days!!! So today Em and I went to the market and were talking to a garden intern from Evergreen. We asked if he knew Scott Young. "No." Then we asked have you seen the tall double decker bike rider? "Yes!"
    Looking foward to seeing all the new art and YOU most of all. Your eval. came in the mail today...looks like you got full credit (32). Gonna read it to Dad tonight. Not sure if us ol hicks will understand it though!
